This is a repost by Mary Clark. I don't often do this, but parts of this really resonated with my spirit. It has been my heart to call people to read the Word of God and have an intimate relationship with the Lord in this day and in this hour. We cannot be deceived and we will not fear if we develop our absolute trust in Him, Jesus our Messiah, now. "O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy." Habakkuk 3:2


Daniel 11: 36 & 37 The king will do as he pleases.  He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods.  He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place.  He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.

I tell you, beloved, that perilous times are ahead for those who have not chosen to follow My course – perilous times.  Be comforted in knowing that I am well aware of what is coming forth, and My arm is not short.  For those who have turned away from Me, there will be a day of reckoning the likes of which the world has never seen.  I want you to regard these words as truth, taking them into your heart, and looking to Me, keeping your focus on Me, the Holy One Who is well able to deliver you from the wrath of the wicked one.

I am your God.  The gates of hell shall not prevail against My will.  My will shall shine forth as the noonday sun.  Be that it may, the evil one is releasing all of his tormentors as a last-ditch effort to pull as many as possible from My loving grasp.  As you see his work,  know that no matter what he pulls in the way of evilness, the Beloved's strength and might will prevail - will prevail to the end.

I am looking forward to seeing all come to a grand finale.  I am looking forward to seeing My very own children dance in the face of conflict, and focus on the Beloved for all of their needs.  I will deliver in ways you never dreamed possible.  Yes, I am your God, and I am well able to supply all of your needs during this time of catastrophe when the evil one takes his position on earth, telling the world words of lies – words that many will digest, taking them into their hearts.  But My very own beloved will pay his words, his lies, no mind, focus on Me, and follow My course into all of the wonder that I have planned.

So know this:  I am a God of great truth, My truth shall prevail, shall live on forever.  The enemy speaks lies.  He has one to fit every situation, but know that My truth can take his lies and topple them, sending them to oblivion.  So follow My course.  See the tides swell and know that just as surely as the waves touch the shore, I am with you, I am giving you My signals of love and devotion and you will conquer in the end, dear one.  Yes.  You will walk in My truth, My strength, and know the real value of serving the One Who is Almighty. 

The enemy is about to make a pronouncement on earth.  When he does, I want you to be prepared, beloved, prepared to launch an all-out attack on him and his lies.  I want you standing straight and tall.  I do not want to see you cowering.  I want to see you upright, poised for action.  Get ready to move out of your places of complacency, dear one.  Get ready to move into the delight of My heart, for this is the place where you will gain strength and know that My deepest desire is to see you walking free of the enemy and his cohorts. 

This is the hour for new understanding, revelation so deep, dear one, that it will boggle your mind. This is the hour to stand fast in all that I have for you.  For just as I came to earth as a baby to show Myself meek and mild, I will now come in My strength and awesome power, presenting My heart to those who have served Me.  And just what is My heart presenting to you, My beloved?  It is presenting a new hour replete with the knowledge of My love for you.  It is presenting a catching away into a place of wonder, a place where you will be so captivated by My love that the intruder will have no access to you, no access whatsoever.

Know that I have a wonderful plan for those who serve Me.  The enemy may be touting his lies of dissention, but they will get him nowhere, because the King of glory is making Himself known in a mighty way, and My beloved will realize the rich quality of My love and worship Me unconditionally.  That is all that I ask, beloved, for you to worship Me unconditionally.

Oh!  We will have a grand old time when we are united in that place of wonder that I have prepared for those who have offered their time and love to Me – a grand old time – a time of great wonder the likes of which you have never seen.  So get ready to identify My will in your life in an extraordinary way, and know this:  The evil one will do as he pleases just as long as I let him, but not a moment longer, beloved, not even a fraction of a second longer!!!

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Mary Clark

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